Tuesday, May 21, 2019


There are many things that you can do before you put your home on the market that will bring in the 'big bucks'. 

There are also many things you can do that will actually make the value of your home diminish.   Your real estate professional can help you determine what is going to bring you more money and what is a bad idea.   Asking first will definitely save you money, and actually put more money in your pocket at the closing table.

Painting the living room is a good idea. Painting it aqua or orange - is not.  Neutral colored walls are the best bet when applying a fresh coat of paint.  
Waiting until your home is vacant to put it on the market may sound good to you, but unless your furniture is really out of style or ragged, this is not a good idea.  Buyers need to see correct furniture placement to appreciate the space they are looking at.  
Remodeling a bathroom or kitchen is very expensive and you need resale guidance with your choices before you sink a lot of money into these ideas.  You may not recover any of it.  
“Pretty color” counter-tops are a hard sale, and so is plaid wallpaper. 

It is a good bet that shining up kitchens and bathrooms, pressure cleaning walks and drives, painting over those “pretty color” with a neutral color, and de-cluttering, though they are quite inexpensive, will bring you quite a bang for your buck.  
Also, trimming trees and bushes and adding new mulch and some pretty flowers will bring many times more than they cost. 

Don’t waste your money before you talk to your Realtor.  Let her help you decide what to do, what not to do, and help save you lots of money.  Call or Text me.  I am really good at that. 

Maybe you need some help with repairs, to get the most for your home. Visit www.FlipMyHouseRealEstate.com

For more information on successfully selling a home in the Land o Lakes/Wesley Chapel, FL market please contact me at 813-714-9737 or you can visit my website for more information.  www.DeeSmithSellsHomes.com